
quinta-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2011


"Things which eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, which God has prepared for them that love him. But God has revealed to us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God "- I Corinthians 1:10-11.
Of all the things now, enjoy the most important thing is to seek what we do not know. And there is nothing so important in life than human beings seek and find the most perfect and profound source of all knowledge. That's right, because without the most High and Deep Power could not figure out what is hidden from our eyes and minds.

In the face of everything I write, I've written many texts, secular and Christian, but every day I write I find that I know nothing, or rather, that every day God inspires me to write something new. And it's all because of what God gives us, that is, here are the recorded words of Christ who said, "To whom more is given, more will be charged."

So I begin to write what you may not know, but one will know how hot news, or rather, to their knowledge and updated information. That is, ever stop to analyze or reflect the great responsibility that every human being on this world? Or maybe you're thinking that has no, it's really exciting when we start from assumptions not clear when we take our responsibilities. Therefore in the world of the great philosophers as Socrates, Aristotle, I will not stop and cite all, but here is recorded on the two most famous. Now, was a disciple of another, larger one wrote nothing (Socrates), but his student wrote all about you, but with arguments that have changed humanity.

But before such a position that Aristotle knew and endure it, yet they did not hesitate to recognize his master as a reference for your knowledge and that can later go to his disciples and then to future generations. Thus, speaking so well of the two icons in the philosophical world, as we were startled, but what we say when we discovered by our intuitions about Jesus Christ. Most Perfect, the Great, The Immutable, The Glorious, Sublime and Eternal Wisdom, that is, the One who revealed the most profound and uplifting wisdom.
At present, we find pseudo thinkers who want to change and people change with human arguments, or better, with preconceived ideas. Since, from empty arguments will not reach this peak, because his ideas are sometimes inconsistent and can never endure. Thus, when referring to Christ, things tend to change, or rather he was the one who said, and convinced the men that he was different in all of them. So was the One who spoke and his words became incontestable truths. It is so much truth as the fact that the Messianic prophet (Isaiah) said, "What in your mouth was found no guile ..." - Isaiah 53.1-6.

Now what makes me unhappy about such facts relating to Jesus Christ, is that there are some who fought and are fighting to discredit him before the world. That is, are the skeptics who wrapped the mantle of unbelief would impose their mystical concepts to simply affirm and be accredited before the world public opinion that Christ was a figure as any human being, but never as the Bible says. No, these arguments are fallacies and mystical philosophy that do not change what we say "Faith" or better, although there are millions and millions in the world who do not believe in its existence, yet there are millions more who raise the bloody flag Cross and call a resurrected Christ who lives and reigns for all eternity before the Almighty God.

And before that, his disciples, and now his followers (the church) lives under the cloak of the Blessed Hope, that is, all that is written in the Bible about him is what we believe and we believe with all my heart, the we are left with hope in his promises - I Peter 1.4. We affirm that our "Faith" is not based on religion, or rather human precepts and dogmas, as these things have left people in doubt about his faith. And yes, one day in a Christ who fully met its mission before a God who is our righteousness, and who is brave to face the "big winner" - the face of a dark world expressed their power to those who hope in his promises (Rev. 1:18-20).

To you who may be going through struggles, but he thinks that will not succumb to despair, so just do as the Psalmist said, "I lift up my eyes to the hills, from whence cometh my help, my help cometh from the Lord who made heaven and earth "... The greatest response from God to us is the message that Christ has for those who are under their wings, or rather his protection. Therefore, with this, trust in God alone, do the Name of the Lord our shield and protection, and we are sure and steadfast in their benevolent promises (Ps 46.1-
End here, and such written with great conviction that great things will happen in the lives of those who wait on the promises of Christ. And being that, not by our merits, but by Christ we all receive the care of God, or better, who better than Him to protect us and rid of any difficult situation.
The Immortal, Invincible, The Alpha and Omega, the King of kings and Lord of lords, He who has conquered death and hell, He is our righteousness and Israel and Guard watches over His Word to make it comply with the lives of those waiting in his blessed promise. - Amen!

Reproduction of these writings without permission of the author, except small portions, and the acknowledgment of the source - Copyright Law 9610/98 (Article 184 of the Penal Code).

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