
sexta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2011

BOY BORN IN GOD - the light of hope has dawned

Christmas Message
Again everyone celebrates Christmas, or better, in several other forms of celebrations. However, many unconscious even know nothing of importance was the "birth of Christ." But in course of time some changed without knowing the true meaning of Christmas, or rather the human spirit to succeed in the food and drink. And not counting those who spend what they do not have to say they are celebrating Christmas.
Now, before everything is said and what I wrote the story, nothing is more significant than truly know the meaning of the Christmas spirit. That is, the Bible says that a people lived in the shadow of death, however, a light has dawned, or rather the Christmas light shone on the celestial vault and brought us real hope, is both the angel said:
"Today, the city of David was born the child Jesus, what news! It is so expressive that the Word of God changed the course of those living in the shadow of death. And the message that was spoken by the angel was just compliance because she had been told more than 700 years before His birth, the messianic prophet (Isaiah 9:6-7).
"He will save his people from their sins" - (Gr. Soteria) which means salvation means that God does not fail in its promises. Truly, Jesus came as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world - John 1:29, that is, the real meaning of Christmas is under the cloak of God's righteousness, or rather, when we were all lost, but He saved us by his love immeasurable - Luke 19:10, John 3:16, Romans 5:8; 5:1-2.

To you who are reading this text, you know the true meaning of Christmas is when the man lets himself be attracted by the hole of the Word of God boy, that is, He was born to give us life and abundance. Obviously, all we can do so only with great joy that we do, but never forget the true meaning of Christmas, that is, when we allow the Holy Spirit convince us all that separate us from God.
Thus, God can make you meet with the Child Jesus, and that he may be born in your heart, and that their are many blessings this Christmas shining in the night. These are my sincere wishes to all those who follow our blog - God bless you in everything and give them peace of Christmas.


                                                    Mensagem de Natal
    Mais uma vez todo mundo comemora o Natal, ou melhor, outros em diversas formas de comemorações. Todavia, muitos até mesmo inconscientes nada sabem da importância que teve o “nascimento do menino Jesus”. Mas, no decurso dos tempos alguns sem saber mudaram o verdadeiro sentido do Natal, ou melhor, lograram para o espírito humano do comes e bebes. E sem contar com aqueles que gastam o que não tem para dizer que estão comemorando o natal.
    Ora, diante de tudo o que são ditos e com aquilo que escreveram a história, nada é mais significante do que sabermos verdadeiramente o sentido do espírito do Natal. Ou seja, a Bíblia diz que um povo habitava em sombra de morte, porém, uma luz raiou, ou melhor, a Luz do Natal Brilhou na abóboda Celeste e nos trouxe a verdadeira esperança, é tanto que o Anjo disse:
    “Hoje, na cidade de Davi nasceu o menino Jesus, que notícia! É tão expressiva a Palavra do Senhor que mudou o rumo daqueles que habitavam em sombra de morte. E a mensagem que fora dita pelo Anjo, era apenas o cumprimento, pois ela já tinha sido dita a mais de 700 anos antes Dele nascer, pelo profeta messiânico (Is 9.6-7).
    “Ele salvará o seu povo de seus pecados”- (Gr. Sôteria) que significa salvação, quer dizer que Deus não falha em suas promessas. Realmente Jesus veio como o Cordeiro de Deus que tira o pecado do mundo – Jo 1.29; ou seja, o real significado do Natal está sob o manto da Justiça de Deus, ou melhor, quando todos estávamos perdidos, mas Ele nos salvou por seu amor imensurável – Lc 19.10; Jo 3.16; Rom 5.8; 5.1-2.

    A você que estar lendo este texto, saiba que o verdadeiro sentido do Natal é quando o homem se deixa ser atraído pelo toca da Palavra do menino Deus, ou seja, Ele nasceu para nos dá a vida e com abundância. É óbvio que, de tudo o que podemos fazer com alegria que tão somente façamos, mas nunca esqueçamos o verdadeiro sentido do Natal, ou seja, é quando deixamos que o Espírito Santo nos convença de tudo aquilo que nos afastam de Deus.
    Destarte, Deus possa fazer com que você se encontre com o Menino Jesus, e que Ele possa Nascer em seu coração, e que as suas copiosas bênçãos estejam brilhando na noite deste Natal. São os meus sinceros votos a todos aqueles que acompanham o nosso blog – Deus os abençoe em tudo e lhes conceda a Paz do Natal.


I Tim 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9
    "It is necessary, therefore, that a bishop must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober, modest, hospitable, able to teach, not given to wine, not violent but gentle, enemy of contention, not covetous; and ruleth well his own house, raising children in submission with all reverence (for if someone does not know how to rule his own house, how to take care of the church of God?) is not a novice, lest they become conceited and fall into the condemnation the devil. Rather, he must have good testimony from the outside, so as not to fall into reproach and the snare of the devil "(I Timothy 3:1-7).

"... Someone who is blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or are insubordinate. Because it is essential that the bishop must be blameless as the steward of God, not arrogant, not quarrelsome, not given to wine, not violent, not greedy of filthy lucre: but hospitable, a lover of good, sober, just, pious, who has self-control, attached to the faithful word which is according to doctrine, has so much power to urge the rectum teaching and to convict those who contradict "(Titus 1:5-9).
      I remember very well about this issue that has occurred in the ministries and churches, or rather when I began my career as a laborer, was co-worker, deacon and priest. I received the instructions that have been designated by Pastor Joseph B. Wellington Coast that the worker should be married. But going over some of the Bible created other means to ignore it, or better, using things to appease the facts.
Some wanting to escape the reality of the Bible texts used as an excuse to argue that pastors can be single. However, there is in the Bible to support such arguments, or fleeing a true hermeneutic and exegetical analysis of a point of view teológico.Vejamos the excuses that some speak in support of their interests as the separation of unmarried pastors. Here's what Dennis Allan wrote:
They say:
1 - "Paul was not married. Paul was faithful in his work as an apostle and minister (servant) of Christ (Acts 26:16, Colossians 1:1,23), but in Scripture it is never called a bishop, priest or pastor. The other apostles were married (1 Corinthians 9:5). Therefore not surprising to discover that some of them also served as elders (1 Peter 5:1, 2 John 1, 3 John 1).
2 Timothy and Titus were not married. There is no reference to these evangelists as married, but there is no passage that called pastors! The custom of calling cards to these evangelists "pastoral epistles" creates some confusion, because it escapes the biblical language. In the Bible, neither the author nor the recipients of these letters are called shepherds;
3-Paul said that singles can serve you better. (1 Corinthians 7:1-7). Paul's advice was given for "all men" (7:7) specifically because of a "hardship present" (7:26). It should not be interpreted in a way that contradicts other passages that encourage marriage (I Timothy 5:14) and that specifically require that priests be married (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:6). "
    Since we treat the issue with much property, and seeking clarification of many who are unfortunately in the spiritual inertia, and know nothing about such matters discussed in the light of the Bible. Or rather, let's see some points that are important to the pastoral role.

I-O Married pastor, besides being the Biblical requirement is important because the function that does justice received from God.

II-The single pastor, even though it has good intentions, does not meet the Biblical requirements for the function in which it is entitled. So, why want to disobey the Bible, I believe that being single is yes then get ready to enter the ministry God has called you.

III-Pastor Married, has a role dignified by the Bible, that is, good husband, good father, and raise their children according to what the Bible says. While the single has no Biblical support for the ministry in accordance with what God has appointed.

IV-The pastor married, the Church has the confidence to solve any social problems within the community that pastors. Or rather, in dealing with family issues, marital problems or, sin of unmarried people (fornication), etc.. Now when the Bible says it is unacceptable that there are people who twist the texts only to further their personal interests.

V- O single pastor can not deal with matters related to marriage, or advise single people or married. For this reason, the Bible is not able to exercise the pastoral ministry. Who approves such thing disobey what God has appointed in His Word - I Tim 3:1-7. Some support for the practice, or consecration of single people in the ministry say that you can not force such workers to get married, because such a position may be precipitated. So if this is so, or better, since it does not want to marry, to stay unmarried, Thus, no single ministry can have.

    So our position here is to defend what the Bible tells us, because there are no arguments against facts. I say to the unmarried who appreciate the ministry and who feel the call of the Lord, seek to do what the Bible says, because out of it is disobedience to God. Pray to God and ask a partner who understands the meaning of ministry in the life of a man called by God. Case and constitutes a home, then everything you see is sure to be a blessing from Christ. Or rather, single pastor does not meet the requirements that are written in the Bible, is true God and every man a liar ... Reiterate what is above, or rather, those who advocate the consecration of pastors unmarried, they allege that there can be no precipitation as to marriage, or rather, that does not happen that some get married and fail. But where is it written that because of this problem is to enshrine the singles ministry? Something that I see as an imposition unfounded and that it is better are the personal interests and mitigating familiares.Outras as the consecration of single people is that the consecration is valid only for "Those" who are "children" or relatives of ministers, that is , which is even more serious because it sets up a practice of "Ministerial Nepotism." The accompanying you to our blog, do not be sad with this situation, because the most important is that God has his "Chosen" or Callings and aiming - Jer 3:15, Ephesians 4:11-12, Hebrews 4.5.

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